Estie Starr.



HI, I'M 

Estie Starr.



After over 20 years of entrepreneurship, running 7+ of my own businesses, and guiding thousands of clients and students in dozens of industries, I've  know the strategies that make business work- and they are the same in every industry and around the world.
I’ve built my own businesses to over 7-figures profit, without ever spending a dime on advertising, while raising 5 kids and I've helped hundreds of my clients and program participants do the same.

I’ve been featured on over 60 podcasts and in major media outlets like Entrepreneur, and spoken to audiences of 10,000+ all over the world. And every time the feedback is the same- "I never knew business and marketing could be so simple, work for me and be enjoyable!"

Read my story. 

When I was growing up...

There was a folk-lore in our family that my grandparents used to tell to just about anyone who would listen. 

It went like this:

“When she was just 7 years old, we took her to the flea market. She saw a pair of sunglasses she really wanted, and the man told her it was $3. She responded back and said ‘Well, I only have $1 Sir!’ He said “Ok, little girl... You can pay just $1,’ and then Estie handed him a $5 bill.” 🤣

And that was just the beginning… 

When I was just 10 years old, I successfully ran my first business selling Mexican name bracelets at elementary school and summer camp. I made them myself and sold them at a 1000% markup. To this day, I still have my pink and blue rainbow unicorn covered Lisa Frank Folder with my cost of goods sold calculations and official order forms that I typed on a typewriter. 

By the time I was 16, I was running a note-copying business in my high school that paid for all my notes and even got me a full ride scholarship to business school. It wasn’t just any scholarship, it was a presidential scholarship that covered full tuition, plus books and transport.

At this point, I remember realizing, “This is in my blood. I can do this.”

When I was growing up...

There was a folk-lore in our family that my grandparents used to tell to just about anyone who would listen. 

It went like this:

“When she was just 7 years old, we took her to the flea market. She saw a pair of sunglasses she really wanted, and the man told her it was $3. She responded back and said ‘Well, I only have $1 Sir!’ He reluctantly gave in, as she proceeded to hand over a $5 bill to pay for her sunglasses that she managed to get for a steal of a deal.”

And that was just the beginning… 

When I was just 10 years old, I successfully ran my first business selling Mexican name bracelets at elementary school and summer camp. I made stuff and sold it at a 500-1000% markup. To this day, I still have my pink and blue rainbow unicorn covered Lisa Frank Folder with my cost of goods sold. 

By the time I was 16, I was running a note-copying business that paid for all my notes and even got me a full ride scholarship to business school. It wasn’t just any scholarship, it was a presidential scholarship that covered everything, plus books and transport.

At this point, I remember realizing, “This is in my blood. I can do this.”

By this point, my destiny seems to have already been written, but…

After high school, I joined a lot of my friends in doing a gap year program abroad in Jerusalem. I fell in love with the city and while I was there, I became an ultra orthodox Jew. I give 100% in everything I do, and I was inspired by the spiritual lifestyle, family values and genuine care for others that I experienced.
I typically consider most rules suggestions, but I am a systems person, and the Orthodox Jewish spiritual “system” inspired me. 

When I started university, I decided on a marketing degree because I felt like Judaism was getting a bad rap, and I wanted to change that and inspire others, just like I had been so inspired by so many of the dedicated Jews I had met.
Within 2 years, I was traveling around the U.S., training and teaching classes on Jewish spirituality. After I graduated university with a business and marketing degree, I worked in marketing and PR for my first multinational non-profit using my knowledge and skills to advance the cause I most believed in.

Within a year, I got married to a Rabbi, moved abroad to Jerusalem and started having children. My husband at the time focused on his studies, and I was the sole provider for my growing family. With the weight of being the family provider on my shoulders, I went to work for another multinational non-profit in the Jewish spirituality and community leadership space, and soon rose in the ranks to become the CIO of that organization.

In addition to juggling my growing family, the professional responsibilities of a full-time CIO, and Rabbi’s wife, I always had at least one side hustle running, just for fun ;). The range ran from medical billing, to database coding, haircutting and hairstyling, teaching hip-hop dance exercise classes and more.


And then…

Somewhere around 2008 when the Great Recession hit, I began to have a crazy burning desire to do small business consulting. 

I saw all these smart and talented people who didn’t have any business background, who were stuck in awful jobs and were trying to launch side hustles and turn them into full time incomes. Being a part of an expat community abroad, I noticed even the well educated people couldn’t get good local jobs because they didn’t natively speak the language. 

What pained me the most were the many young couples with small children, who had been receiving and counting on financial help from family abroad, and lost that help due to the recession. 

I hated seeing all these talented, smart and passionate people who were now unexpectedly, trying to find work WITHOUT any official marketable skills or education, and being pushed into minimum-wage jobs, DESPITE having skills and abilities that could be monetized into comfortable incomes that would also allow them to balance their family lives.

And they had dreams.

When I would meet them in the street they would tell me about their business dreams. I knew I could help them! And I did.

I had already become a certified professional coach in 2009, and my crazy business dream, at the ripe old age of 27, was to found a full service consulting firm where all of these business owners and business dreamers could come and get EVERYTHING THEY NEEDED IN ONE PLACE, from the strategy through to the execution.

To make a long and complex story very very short, I quit my CIO job (even though I was still the sole provider of my then 5 person family, and had no idea where our money would come from) and starting as a freelancer, built up my company Strand Consulting to 6 figures profit in under 2 years, and within 7 years we were a full service creative consulting firm, with 22 staff members in 10 time zones and hundreds of clients on 6 continents.

By this point, my destiny seems to have already been written, but…

After high school, I joined a lot of my friends in doing a gap year program abroad in Jerusalem. I fell in love with the city and while I was there, I became an ultra orthodox Jew. I give 100% in everything I do, and I was inspired by the spiritual lifestyle, family values and genuine care for others that I experienced.
I typically consider most rules suggestions, but I am a systems person, and Jewish spiritual “system” 
inspired me. 

When I started university, I decided on a marketing degree because I felt like Judaism was getting a bad rap, and I wanted to change that and inspire others, just like I had been so inspired by so many of the dedicated Jews I had met.
Within 2 years, I was traveling around the U.S., training and teaching classes on Jewish spirituality. After I graduated university with a business and marketing degree, I worked in marketing and PR for my first multinational non-profit using my knowledge and skills to advance the cause I most believed in.

Within a year, I got married to a Rabbi, moved abroad to Jerusalem and started having children. My husband at the time focused on his studies, and I was the sole provider for my growing family. With the weight of being the family provider on my shoulders, I went to work for another multinational non-profit in the Jewish spirituality and community leadership space, and soon rose in the ranks to become the CIO of that organization.

In addition to juggling my growing family, the professional responsibilities of a full-time CIO, and Rabbi’s wife, I always had at least one side hustle running, just for fun ;). The range ran from medical billing, to database coding, haircutting and hairstyling, teaching hip-hop dance exercise classes and more.

And then…

Somewhere around 2008 when the Great Recession hit, I began to have a crazy burning desire to do small business consulting. 

I saw all these smart and talented people who didn’t have any business background, who were stuck in awful jobs and were trying to launch side hustles and turn them into full time incomes. Being a part of an expat community abroad, I noticed even the well educated people couldn’t get good local jobs because they didn’t natively speak the language. 

What pained me the most were the many young couples with small children, who had been receiving and counting on financial help from family abroad, and lost that help due to the recession. 

I hated seeing all these talented, smart and passionate people who were now unexpectedly, trying to find work WITHOUT any official marketable skills or education, and pushed into minimum-wage jobs, 

DESPITE having skills and abilities that could be monetized into comfortable incomes that would also allow them to balance their family lives.

And they had dreams.

When I would meet them in the street they would tell me about their business dreams. I knew I could help them! And I did.

I had already become a certified professional coach in 2009, and my crazy business dream, at the ripe old age of 28, was to found a full service consulting firm where all of these business owners and business dreamers could come and get EVERYTHING THEY NEEDED IN ONE PLACE, from the strategy through to the execution.

To make a long and complex story very very short, I quit my CIO job (even though I was still the sole provider of my then 5 person family, and had no idea where our money would come from) and starting as a freelancer, built up my company Strand Consulting to 6 figures profit in under 2 years, and within 7 years we were a full service creative consulting firm, with 22 staff members in 10 time zones and hundreds of clients on 6 continents.

My Mission Today

I want to make business success available for everyone. 

How does that break down? It means I’m here to help you turn your business strategy into money in your pocket.

When you’re convinced you have a marketing problem and that a new website/coach/ad campaign will be the solution, it tells me that the real issue isn’t any of that.

It’s the lack of a crystal-clear business model.

That’s the foundation most people never build, and their business suffers as a result. 

I can confidently tell you I’m a marketing magician, and the number one place to start is by clarifying your business model. That’s where the path to seven figures begins.

There’s a formula for business success. That means there’s a way to do it wrong, and there’s a way to do it right. I know how to do it right, and I love teaching other people how to do it, too.

Every business owner deserves to have the tools to create a profitable business. 
It doesn’t have to be a secret any more.


My life drastically changed overnight. 

Flash forward to 2020. 

Having built up not only a multinational consulting firm, but also an online business school, a top 2% globally ranked podcast and a significant social media following, I had unintentionally become a personal brand.

Under my married name, Estie Rand.

So when my life imploded in 2020 through divorce, I had a major identity shift. 

For more than a decade my entire identity had revolved around Wife, Mother, Business Owner, Religious Jew and almost overnight everything changed.

I wasn’t a wife anymore.
I wasn’t actively in the role of mother every day (through a joint custody arrangement).
I didn’t have the heart to put into my business, as it had been built in order to support my wife and mother roles.
And I was reexamining my religious affiliation through spiritual inquiry and the study of neuroscience and quantum physics.

I felt heartbroken, desolate, confused and enraged.
It felt like everything I had done and everything I had built was for nothing.
All that I valued and believed in was broken and couldn’t be repaired.

I shut down my podcast, disappeared from my social media following and turned into goo (see this video for goo explanation). I thought if I could just get small enough, maybe I could disappear and the pain wouldn’t be so bad.

But that wasn’t the answer.

The answer was to let go of the old dreams, to build a new one.
To let go of the old identity, to claim a new one.

And Estie Starr was born.


My life drastically changed overnight. 

Flash forward to 2020. 

Having built up not only a multinational consulting firm, but also an online business school, a top 2% globally ranked podcast and a significant social media following, I had unintentionally become a personal brand.

Under my married name, Estie Rand.

So when my life imploded in 2020 through divorce, I had a major identity shift. 

For more than a decade my entire identity had revolved around Wife, Mother, Business Owner, Religious Jew and almost overnight everything changed.

I wasn’t a wife anymore.
I wasn’t actively in the role of mother every day (through a joint custody arrangement).
I didn’t have the heart to put into my business, as it had been built in order to support my wife and mother roles.
And I was reexamining my religious affiliation through spiritual inquiry and the study of neuroscience and quantum physics.

I felt heartbroken, desolate, confused and enraged.
It felt like everything I had done and everything I had built was for nothing.

I shut down my podcast, disappeared from my social media following and turned into goo (see this video for goo explanation). I thought if I could just get small enough, maybe I could disappear and the pain wouldn’t be so bad.

But that wasn’t the answer.

The answer was to let go of the old dreams, to build a new one.
To let go of the old identity,
 to claim a new one.

And Estie Starr was born.

My Mission Today

I help people with business dreams, turn them into business realities. 

One of the most fascinating things for me in my identity transition was how I retained my passion for helping people turn their ideas into money. While I was ready to embark on a new career path to go with my new life and identity, God had other plans for me and my heart kept pulling me back to success after success in serving small business owners and business dreamers.

My new last name STARR is actually an acronym, and symbolizes not erasing my past but taking everything I’ve done, and all I have been, as the platform to stand on for who I have become.

And that is the essence of what I do for you.

We take the unique journey you have been on, the skills you’ve developed, the pain and joy you’ve experienced, the passion you now have and together we create a stable and profitable business that allows you to serve the world in the unique way that only you can.

And earn buckets of money while doing it.

My Mission Today

I help people with business dreams, turn them into business realities. 

One of the most fascinating things for me in my identity transition was how I retained my passion for helping people turn their ideas into money. While I was ready to embark on a new career path to go with my new life and identity, God had other plans for me and my heart kept pulling me back to success after success in serving small business owners and business dreamers.

My new last name STARR is actually an acronym, and symbolizes not erasing my past but taking everything I’ve done, and all I have been, as the platform to stand on for who I have become.

And that is the essence of what I do for you.

We take the unique journey you have been on, the skills you’ve developed, the pain and joy you’ve experienced, the passion you now have and together we create a stable and profitable business that allows you to serve the world in the unique way that only you can.

And earn buckets of money while doing it.

what we do:

Guidance, Education & Inspiration for you to fully live your business dream.

At Strand Consulting, we guide both new and existing business owners to launch, grow and scale their business to their first million in new revenue. 

We work with you and for you, in every area of your business, to ensure you build a business that aligns with your goals in income, lifestyle and contribution. Together, we devise and implement the business and marketing strategy that turn your business dreams into business realities.

Better Business School is an online business incubator for entrepreneurs and small business owners who need the education, inspiration and guidance to turn their business dreams into business realities and get to $20K+ Months!

In the Better Business School you have the opportunity to get both the education your need, as well as one-on-one guidance to build your CUSTOM business and marketing strategy, AND IMPLEMENT your learning as we apply it in your business in real time- for REAL RESULTS!

what we do:

Guidance, Education & Inspiration for you to fully live your business dream.

At Strand Consulting, we guide both new and existing business owners to launch, grow and scale their business to their first million in new revenue. 

We work with you and for you, in every area of your business, to ensure you build a business that aligns with your goals in income, lifestyle and contribution. Together, we devise and implement the business and marketing strategy that turn your business dreams into business realities.

Better Business School is an online business incubator for entrepreneurs and small business owners who need the education, inspiration and guidance to turn their business dreams into business realities and get to $20K+ Months!

In the Better Business School you have the opportunity to get both the education your need, as well as one-on-one guidance to build your CUSTOM business and marketing strategy, AND IMPLEMENT your learning as we apply it in your business in real time- for REAL RESULTS!


Get the clarity and strategy to market yourself and your business successfully!

Take Estie’s 3 Day Marketing Success Challenge


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925 N La Brea Ave Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90038

Get the clarity and strategy to market yourself and your business successfully!

Take Estie’s 3 Day 
Marketing Success Challenge


925 N La Brea Ave Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90038