We believe passion & strategy are woven into everything you do.


We guide both new and existing business owners to launch, grow, and scale their businesses to their first million in new revenue. 

We work with you and for you, in every area of your business, to ensure you build a business that aligns with your goals in 
income, lifestyle, and contribution. 

Together, we devise and implement the business and marketing strategy that turns your business into a marketing machine where you 
work less and earn more.


We guide both new and existing business owners to launch, grow, and scale their businesses to their first million in new revenue. 

We work with you and for you, in every area of your business, to ensure you build a business that aligns with your goals in income, lifestyle, and contribution. 

Together, we devise and implement the business and marketing strategy that turns your business into a marketing machine where you work less and earn more.


Our clients are small business owners who have an expertise, idea, passion, talent, certification or skill and are ready to take their business to the next level in profit and impact.

 For over 15 years we’ve guided hundreds of small business owners to business and marketing success, across dozens of industries on 6 continents, in 10 time-zones from Los Angeles to Hong Kong, helping our clients 3-10x their profits within 2 years. 

At Strand Consulting, we specialize in organic marketing strategy and efficient business systems to maximize your budget & profits. We don’t work with the Fortune 500 Companies you see on TV who have lots of extra money to throw around. We work with the businesses owned by your friend, your neighbor, your sister- and YOU :)

We get your 


Your vision for your business and your life is both our starting point and our endgame. Strand Consulting was created to pull all the strands of your business vision together, professionalize it, and make it profitable.

We Co-Create your


A strategy is a map to reach your goal. That clarity will save you time, money, and heartache. At Strand, every strategy is custom-designed for your needs to build the business you want, while living the life you’re building it for.

Together We Effectively


It’s great to have a roadmap, but it’s even better to follow it and arrive at your destination. That’s why at Strand we don’t only create your strategy with you, we work together with you and our partners to implement and get you results.


Our clients are small business owners who have an expertise, idea, passion, talent, certification or skill and are ready to take their business to the next level in profit and impact.

 For over 15 years we’ve guided hundreds of small business owners to business and marketing success, across dozens of industries on 6 continents, in 10 time-zones from Los Angeles to Hong Kong, helping our clients 3-10x their profits within 2 years. 

At Strand Consulting, we specialize in organic marketing strategy and efficient business systems to maximize your budget & profits. We don’t work with the Fortune 500 Companies you see on TV who have lots of extra money to throw around. We work with the businesses owned by your friend, your neighbor, your sister- and YOU :)

We get your 


Your vision for your business and your life is both our starting point and our endgame. Strand Consulting was created to pull all the strands of your business vision together, professionalize it, and make it profitable.

We Co-Create your


A strategy is a map to reach your goal. That clarity will save you time, money, and heartache. At Strand, every strategy is custom-designed for your needs to build the business you want, while living the life you’re building it for.

Together We Effectively


It’s great to have a roadmap, but it’s even better to follow it and arrive at your destination. That’s why at Strand we don’t only create your strategy with you, we work together with you and our partners to implement and get you results.

Leland Holgate

Combat Veteran, Founder of The Willful Warrior 

"Let me just tell you that before Estie came on board, it was literally a dumpster fire traveling down the river. Within the first three months of starting my business, I had made all the mistakes that pretty much all of us as business owners make.

Within the last three months of our business, we're seeing a regular twenty thousand plus coming in from the course that we have created. And we had one of our best months at just a little over thirty thousand just three months ago. 

So we're really excited tocontinue with Estie. There's no way that we're gonna stop working with her. She's stuck with us, and we're happy to have her. Because the biggest aspect of it for me was that she got me to focus on the important pieces of the business."

Leland Holgate

Combat Veteran
Founder of The Willful Warrior 

"Let me just tell you that before Estie came on board, it was literally a dumpster fire traveling down the river. Within the first three months of starting my business, I had made all the mistakes that pretty much all of us as business owners make.

Within the last three months of our business, we're seeing a regular twenty thousand plus coming in from the course that we have created. And we had one of our best months at just a little over thirty thousand just three months ago. 

So we're really excited tocontinue with Estie. There's no way that we're gonna stop working with her. She's stuck with us, and we're happy to have her. Because the biggest aspect of it for me was that she got me to focus on the important pieces of the business."

More Money, Less headache.

Strand Consulting offers you the same services a Fortune 500 consulting firm offers a large corporation, but tailor-made for your small business or non-profit budget. Our services include strategic guidance and implementation in marketing and promotion, social media marketing, developing an idea into a business, business growth and expansion, how to hire right, balancing your work with having a life, and figuring out where your money is going.

The end result is that you have a business that reliably earns you more than enough money to make it worth your time, while getting to live the life you love and create the unique impact you were meant to create in the world. 

How to go from 0 to Money

Sheila opened a brand new Fitness Center that we took from Zero to $1.5M in Year 1 by utilizing a viral social media launch. By the time the center opened, the buzz was so strong that  it earned $250K in
the first month.

Marketing Strategy

Davis had a therapy practice that was doing about $90K per year, but he was maxed out. We built both a marketing machine and online information products that scaled him up to $500K the next year. He's now on track to do $1M in year 2.

Staffing, Hiring and Delegation

Mark was running a $1M consultancy, running himself into the ground. We  built an automated marketing machine, as well as efficient staffing & technology system. Now Mark's company is earning  $4M while he takes off weekends & holidays.

More Money, Less headache.

Strand Consulting offers you the same services a Fortune 500 consulting firm offers a large corporation, but tailor-made for your small business or non-profit budget. Our services include strategic guidance and implementation in marketing and promotion, social media marketing, developing an idea into a business, business growth and expansion, how to hire right, balancing your work with having a life, and figuring out where your money is going.

The end result is that you have a business that reliably earns you more than enough money to make it worth your time, while getting to live the life you love and create the unique impact you were meant to create in the world. 

from 0 to business

Sheila opened a brand new Fitness Center that we took from Zero to $1.5M in Year 1 by utilizing a viral social media launch. By the time 
the center opened, the buzz 
was so strong that  it earned $250K in the first month.

Build A Marketing Machine

Davis had a therapy practice that was doing about $90K per year, but he was maxed out. We built both a marketing machine and online information products that scaled him up to $500K the next year. He's now on track to do $1M in year 2.

Earn More, Work less

Mark was running a $1M consultancy, running himself into the ground. We  built an automated marketing machine, as well as efficient staffing & technology system. Now Mark's company is earning  $4M while he takes off weekends & holidays.

Peter Sage

Global Gurus Top 30 Motivational Speaker, Serial Entrepreneur, Author, Master Trainer, & Public Speaker

"One of the things I love most about working with Estie and her company is that she has this ability to look through the eyes of an entrepreneur and see the big vision picture, but also be able to drill down into the detail on what is required to action that vision, and that's a skill set that's very rare.

She is a pleasure to work with. She is absolutely on task, and she seems to care more for the realization of the vision than sometimes the entrepreneurs themselves. Again, it's been a pleasure to work with her and I highly recommend her to anybody who's looking to take their business and their marketing to the next level."

Peter Sage

Global Gurus Top 30 Motivational Speaker, Serial Entrepreneur, Author, 
Master Trainer, & Public Speaker

"One of the things I love most about working with Estie and her company is that she has this ability to look through the eyes of an entrepreneur and see the big vision picture, but also be able to drill down into the detail on what is required to action that vision, and that's a skill set that's very rare.

She is a pleasure to work with. She is absolutely on task, and she seems to care more for the realization of the vision than sometimes the entrepreneurs themselves. Again, it's been a pleasure to work with her and I highly recommend her to anybody who's looking to take their business and their marketing to the next level."

How do we get these results again & again & again?

Proven Frameworks + Custom strategy = PREDICTABLE Results

  • To launch a profitable business from any talent, hobby, certification, skill or idea, there are 5 steps to go from 0 to money.
  • ​To grow your business to earn reliable and consistent profits, there are 12 steps to build a marketing machine.
  • To scale an already successful business to 3x or 10x it's size, and still have you enjoy your life, there are only 3 steps to optimal staffing and systems so you can earn more while you work less.

How you apply these steps to your unique business and situation is what makes the difference between mediocrity and success.

Using these proven frameworks is how we're able to get our clients to stable, reliable and enjoyable profits again and again.



  • To launch a profitable business from any talent, hobby, certification, skill or idea, there are 5 steps to go from 0 to money.
  • ​To grow your business to earn reliable and consistent profits, there are 12 steps to build a marketing machine.
  • To scale an already successful business to 3x or 10x it's size, and still have you enjoy your life, there are only 3 steps optimal staffing and systems, so you can earn more while you work less.


Using these proven frameworks is how we're able to get our clients to stable, reliable and enjoyable profits again and again.

Is Strand Consulting the Right Solution for You and Your Business?

Strand is not…

  • ​Corporate mindset where we've got lots of money to throw at a problem to try to fix it, and if it doesn't work throw more money at it until it does.
  • ​A cut-and-paste, one-size-fits-all strategy that works for everyone else, so either works for you or there's something wrong with you.
  • Focused on only one area of your businesses (from financials to marketing), ignoring how that aspect integrates with the rest of your success.
  • ​In the business of delivering business plans or PowerPoints that sit on a shelf and collect dust, with no actionable guidance. 
  • Developing your strategy by ourselves in a cave after meeting with you once, then giving it to you as a present, leaving you bewildered and not helped.
  • Creating a strategy and leaving you on your own to hopefully figure out how to implement it correctly and on budget.
  • Sending over an implementation budget 2x-10x what you pay for strategy with no reliable return, draining your pockets of money that doesn't exist.
  • ​​Here just for the money, aiming to get as big as possible as fast as possible without caring about how it's done, running over anyone who gets in the way.
  • ​A get-rich-quick scheme for quick wins, that may bring in big money in the short term but lack staying power or stable and lasting profits.

​*each of the above is a based on multiple true stores, the names of the innocent and guilty have been removed (because we're so nice)

Strand is …

  • Small business mindset where every dollar you spend on your business is a dollar out of your pocket and your dinner budget.
  • ​In the business of creating custom strategies that are built for your unique business, industry and personal circumstances and made to work for you.
  • Focused on all areas of your business (from financials to marketing) and how they integrate so it makes sense as a full-picture approach.
  • ​In the business of delivering strategy plans that become your business bible, guiding you daily to success.
  • Meeting with you regularly to understand your needs, shift your mindset and co-create a strategy that's a user-friendly roadmap to your success.
  • In partnership with you beyond the strategy creation, working with you and for you to get it done and implemented correctly and on budget. 
  • Optimizing every dollar, with an average 10x return on any marketing spend, as well as 6-figure earning organic strategies that cost $0 to implement.
  • ​The place where those who have a soul calling get to grow that into a beautiful business offering, with care for each person they impact along the way.
  • ​​A strategic guidance consulting firm that builds your business over a period of months to years, for stable and lasting lifetime success.

Is Strand Consulting the Right Solution

for You and Your

Strand is not…

  • ​Corporate mindset where we've got lots of money to throw at a problem to try to fix it, and if it doesn't work throw more money at it until it does.
  • ​A cut-and-paste, one-size-fits-all strategy that works for everyone else, so either works for you or there's something wrong with you.
  • Focused on only one area of your businesses (from financials to marketing), ignoring how that aspect integrates with the rest of your success.
  • ​In the business of delivering business plans or PowerPoints that sit on a shelf and collect dust, with no actionable guidance. 
  • Developing your strategy by ourselves in a cave after meeting with you once, then giving it to you as a present, leaving you bewildered and not helped.
  • Creating a strategy and leaving you on your own to hopefully figure out how to implement it correctly and on budget.
  • Sending over an implementation budget 2x-10x what you pay for strategy with no reliable return, draining your pockets of money that doesn't exists.
  • ​​Here just for the money, aiming to get as big as possible as fast as possible without caring about how it's done, running over anyone who gets in the way.
  • ​A get-rich-quick scheme for quick wins, that may bring in big money in the short term but lack staying power or stable and lasting profits.

Strand is …

  • Small business mindset where every dollar you spend on your business is a dollar out of your pocket and dinner budget.
  • ​In the business of creating custom strategies that are built for your unique business, industry and personal circumstances and made to work for you.
  • Focused on all areas of your business (from financials to marketing) and how they integrate so it makes sense as a full-picture approach.
  • ​In the business of delivering strategy plans that become your business bible, guiding you daily to success.
  • Meeting with you regularly to understand your needs, shift your mindset and co-create a strategy that's a user-friendly roadmap to your success.
  • In partnership with you beyond the strategy creation, working with you and for you to get it done and implemented correctly and on budget. 
  • Optimizing every dollar, with an average 10x return on any marketing spend, as well as 6-figure earning organic strategies that cost $0 to implement.
  • ​The place where those who have a soul calling get to grow that into a beautiful business offering, with care for each person they impact along the way.
  • ​​A strategic guidance consulting firm that builds your business over a period of months to years, for stable and lasting lifetime success.
​*each of the above is a based on multiple true stores, the names of the innocent and guilty have been removed (because we're so nice)

Spend less, Earn more. 

What’s different about Strand?

At Strand, we we specialize in business and marketing strategy for small businesses and small business budgets. We provide affordable strategy and implementation to maximize the money you have, while earning you more money from every dollar you spend.

When you work with us, we’ll help you find the small keys that open big doors, working smarter instead of harder and maximizing profits as quickly as possible while building a stable and sustainable business you can both enjoy and be proud of.

Strand is the place to come to when your business matters to the world, and your budget matters to you.

At Strand we offer Affordable strategy and affordable implementation, and we only co-create a strategy with you that you are able to both technically and financially execute.

At Strand we incorporate all the elements of your business, including your personal life and take your bandwidth into account– putting together the full puzzle of your business success so it makes sense.

At Strand every strategy plan comes with an Action plan and implementation support. Our busiess plans are made as daily reference guides, and never just sit on a shelf. When you work with us you come away with clear direction and instructions on what next steps need to be taken to get results.

We get where you are, we’ve been there too. That's why  we do what we do.

Spend less, 
Earn more. 

What’s different about Strand?

At Strand, we specialize in business and marketing strategy for small businesses and small business budgets. We provide affordable strategy and implementation to maximize the money you have, 
while earning more money from every dollar you spend.

When you work with us, we’ll help you find the small keys that open big doors, working smarter instead of harder and maximizing profits as quickly as possible while building a stable and sustainable business you can both enjoy and be proud of.

Strand is the place to come to when your business matters to the world, and your budget matters to you.

At Strand we offer Affordable strategy and affordable implementation, and we only co-create a strategy with you that you are able to both technically and financially execute.

At Strand we incorporate all the elements of your business, including your personal life and take your bandwidth into account– putting together the full puzzle of your business success so it makes sense.

At Strand every strategy plan comes with an Action plan and implementation support. Our busiess plans are made as daily reference guides, and never just sit on a shelf. When you work with us you come away with clear direction and instructions on what next steps need to be taken to get results.

We get where you are, we’ve been there too. That's why  we do what we do.

Yael Weisner

Interior Designer & Organizer

“Working with Estie gave me complete clarity on my business. I took Marketing Magic and also worked with Estie as a private client. Estie has enabled my business to serve more women, and she helped me problem-solve in all the areas I felt stuck.

My revenue has since tripled and continues to grow as a result of her great insights into my business.

If you have lots of potential to serve the world with your business and need help making it happen, I highly recommend Estie. She understands each person and their business and works with your strengths to maximize your potential.”

Yael Weisner

Interior Designer & Organizer

“Working with Estie gave me complete clarity on my business. I took Marketing Magic and also worked with Estie as a private client. Estie has enabled my business to serve more women, and she helped me problem-solve in all the areas I felt stuck.

My revenue has since tripled and continues to grow as a result of her great insights into my business.

If you have lots of potential to serve the world with your business and need help making it happen, I highly recommend Estie. She understands each person and their business and works with your strengths to maximize your potential.”

We believe passion & strategy are woven into everything you do. 

At Strand Consulting, we focus on supporting you with:


  • Tailored Marketing Solutions: We co-create customized marketing strategies that align with your brand's unique identity and goals, ensuring your passion and vision shine through in every campaign.
  • Comprehensive Digital Presence: From social media marketing to SEO optimization, we help you harness the power of the digital landscape to reach your target audience effectively and maximize your online visibility.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Our marketing services are backed by data analytics, allowing us to continuously refine your strategies and ensure your marketing efforts deliver the desired results.

Efficiency Systems

  • Streamlined Operations: We assist in optimizing your business processes, creating efficient systems that free up your time and resources, so you can focus on what you're truly passionate about.
  • Scalable Solutions: Our systems support your growth ambitions, ensuring your organization can expand smoothly without compromising quality or consistency, even when it's based upon your expertise.
  • Workflow Efficiency: We create & implement workflows that enhance productivity, minimize bottlenecks, and ensure that your business runs like a well-oiled machine with ideal staffing & delegation processes. 


  • Financial Clarity: We provide the tools and insights needed to gain a clear understanding of your financial health, helping you make informed decisions that align with your passion and goals.
  • Cost Management: Our financial services assist in optimizing expenses, ensuring that your resources are allocated efficiently and that you can invest in areas that drive growth and passion.
  • Profit Maximization: We work alongside you to identify revenue opportunities, create sustainable financial strategies, and ultimately maximize your profitability while maintaining a strong financial foundation.

Chanie Wallin

Owner of Sorority Boutique & Whimsy Kids Clothing

"I had been in business for 24 years prior to working with Estie. After working with her within a few months I was able to make big changes which has changed the trajectory of my business completely. She gave me the confidence to be the leader that was inside of me. 

Through this confidence I was able to open a second business which was profitable in year one which is almost unheard of in this day and age. Her positive energy and brilliant mind makes working with her an absolute dream. I highly recommend her for anyone struggling in growing and scaling their business."

Chanie Wallin

Owner of Sorority Boutique 
& Whimsy Kids Clothing

"I had been in business for 24 years prior to working with Estie. After working with her within a few months I was able to make big changes which has changed the trajectory of my business completely. She gave me the confidence to be the leader that was inside of me. 

Through this confidence I was able to open a second business which was profitable in year one which is almost unheard of in this day and age. Her positive energy and brilliant mind makes working with her an absolute dream. I highly recommend her for anyone struggling in growing and scaling their business."

Ready to start earning more money with less headache?


925 N La Brea Ave Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90038


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925 N La Brea Ave Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90038


Strand Consulting will Help You