Into Money

& Over
& Over


Into Money

over & over & over again.


Results Proven from 20 years of running 7 of my own businesses and helping
 thousands of clients in dozens of industries across the globe!

But don’t listen to me - hear it from them!

Peter Sage 

"My name is Peter Sage, international best selling author on human behavior, and I really need to share about what impact working with Estie had on my business. I was at a time where I had so many moving parts, things were confusing, and I needed somebody who had the perspective and the experience and the skill set to cut through that and really say, right, this is what you need to do next. And I got that from Estie and it propelled my business 10x. If you have a chance to work with Estie, grab it with both hands She is a genius at what she does."

Yael Wise

"Hi. My name is Yael. I'm from Lakewood, New Jersey, and I'm a real estate agent. I took Estie's Marketing Magic course. It was the second cohort just to get some clarity about my business and what direction I was going in. Estie is a ball of fun. She has great content.

What strikes me the most about her is that she's constantly improving the platform, and you feel like she's there for you. She answers the questions. She's usually straight on. She is straight on.

And she's just a pleasure. If you're looking for something, where you can get access to a person who is, you know, kind of a guru in in marketing, I would definitely recommend it. It's great whatever stage of business you're at to, you know, get a grounding.

Take the course and you will find out everything that she has to offer."


Results Proven from over 12,500 hours in 15 years guiding hundreds of small business owners to business and marketing in dozens of industries across six continents!

But don’t listen to me - hear it from them!

Yael Wise

Residential Real Estate Agent
"Hi. My name is Yael. I'm from Lakewood, New Jersey, and I'm a real estate agent. I took Estie's Marketing Magic course. It was the second cohort just to get some clarity about my business and what direction I was going in. Estie is a ball of fun. She has great content.

What strikes me the most about her is that she's constantly improving the platform, and you feel like she's there for you. She answers the questions. She's usually straight on. She is straight on.

And she's just a pleasure. If you're looking for something, where you can get access to a person who is, you know, kind of a guru in in marketing, I would definitely recommend it. It's great whatever stage of business you're at to, you know, get a grounding.

Take the course and you will find out everything that she has to offer."

  Peter Sage 

Best-Selling Author; 6x TED Speaker
"My name is Peter Sage, international best selling author on human behavior, and I really need to share about what impact working with Estie had on my business. 

I was at a time where I had so many moving parts, things were confusing, and I needed somebody who had the perspective and the experience and the skill set to cut through that and really say, right, this is what you need to do next. And I got that from Estie and it propelled my business 10x. If you have a chance to work with Estie, grab it with both hands She is a genius at what she does."

Adina Forouzan

Luxury Home Organizer

“Picture this: You're standing at the edge of a precipice, staring at the vast expanse of your business potential. You know deep down that you're ready to take the leap, but you can't shake off the hesitations that grip your mind. 

That's exactly where I found myself before I discovered Estie Starr, the phenomenal business coach who transformed my journey from phase 1 to phase 2, 3 and beyond.

Little did I know that this would ignite a wildfire of success in my business. 

Let me tell you, Estie possesses a mind-blowing acuteness and expertise in identifying the exact clients that will propel your business to new heights. It's like she has a secret superpower that allows her to uncover the hidden gems within your target audience. 

Estie's impact went beyond skyrocketing my growth. She armed me with a newfound sense of clarity, enabling me to see my business boundaries with laser-sharp precision. 

No longer was I stumbling in the dark; I now possessed a compass guiding me towards the right decisions and strategies. 

And oh, let's not forget about her hiring matrix—it revolutionized the way I built my dream team, aligning their skills perfectly with my business goals."

Adina Forouzan

Luxury Home Organizer

“Picture this: You're standing at the edge of a precipice, staring at the vast expanse of your business potential. You know deep down that you're ready to take the leap, but you can't shake off the hesitations that grip your mind. 

That's exactly where I found myself before I discovered Estie Starr, the phenomenal business coach who transformed my journey from phase 1 to phase 2, 3 and beyond.

Little did I know that this would ignite a wildfire of success in my business. 

Let me tell you, Estie possesses a mind-blowing acuteness and expertise in identifying the exact clients that will propel your business to new heights. It's like she has a secret superpower that allows her to uncover the hidden gems within your target audience. 

Estie's impact went beyond skyrocketing my growth. She armed me with a newfound sense of clarity, enabling me to see my business boundaries with laser-sharp precision. 

No longer was I stumbling in the dark; I now possessed a compass guiding me towards the right decisions and strategies. 

And oh, let's not forget about her hiring matrix—it revolutionized the way I built my dream team, aligning their skills perfectly with my business goals."

Dovid Preil


"Estie’s "Marketing Magic" course could be renamed 'All you need to know to start a small business.' 

Estie does a masterful job of summarizing and organizing the basic principles of creating a business, and directs it to the micro-business owner. 

Anyone who's been in business for several years, and learned many hard lessons from trial and error, will wish they had such a course when they were starting out. 

I whole-heartedly recommend this course to anyone intending to start a business."

"Estie’s "Marketing Magic" course could be renamed 'All you need to know to start a small business.' 

Estie does a masterful job of summarizing and organizing the basic principles of creating a business, and directs it to the micro-business owner. 

Anyone who's been in business for several years, and learned many hard lessons from trial and error, will wish they had such a course when they were starting out. 

I whole-heartedly recommend this course to anyone intending to start a business."

Dovid Preil



This is my mantra.

For every 'stuck' business owner, there’s a very simple solution that unlocks them to their next level.

STOP the struggle. 
Quit banging your head against the wall. 
There's an open window waiting for you – if only you'd look!

Adam Knihtila 

financial consultant
"Hello. This is Adam Knihtila from Practical Accounting Solutions. I am leaving a review today for Estie Rand of Strand Consulting. I recently took both her five day marketing class as well as her eight week Marketing Magic Class, and they are absolutely amazing.

You couldn't get a better value for your money and the information and expertise that they provide throughout the courses is absolutely wonderful. I couldn't recommend her any more highly, Estie and her team are fabulous. So sign up for their classes today."

Chani Wolf

"Hi. I'm Chani from Pashmina.

I just wanna say I love working with Estie. Literally, every time I speak to her, my sales increase by, like, fifty percent from her amazing ideas. She's the best."


This is my mantra.

For every 'stuck' business owner, like a trapped bee, relentlessly 
banging against a closed window, hoping for a breakthrough.... STOP the struggle. 

Quit banging your head against the wall. 
There's an open window waiting for you – if only you'd look!

Adam Knihtila 

financial consultant
"Hello. This is Adam Knihtila from Practical Accounting Solutions. I am leaving a review today for Estie Rand of Strand Consulting. I recently took both her five day marketing class as well as her eight week Marketing Magic Class, and they are absolutely amazing.

You couldn't get a better value for your money and the information and expertise that they provide throughout the courses is absolutely wonderful. I couldn't recommend her any more highly, Estie and her team are fabulous. So sign up for their classes today."

Rivke Gardner

Marriage mastery Coach
"I was starting out my own business, which was totally new for me and was very overwhelming. I'd heard about marketing and a little bit about branding, didn't really have a great idea of it. And just sort of put myself out there and started and saw that I was doing a service to the world. I'm a marriage coach that was greatly needed and very, very successful.

But I didn't really know how to grow my business in an organized way. And that's when I saw Estie Rand's marketing challenge, and I realized that in the same way that I try to really help people get to the core of what going on for them in their marriages and in their own inner world, I saw Estie had that same way of getting to the core of things in a business sense. And not just being superficial and throwing things out there, but working things through right from the bottom up.

So I joined Estie's course and really have created a map from from the bottom and really gotten a huge amount of clarity about what my brand is, who my ideal client is, and I'm so excited to go out there and work it now and build my business in a way that I can grow it easily and that I love doing doing what I do and offer that service the people in the most effective way. This was just amazing for me to watch because also I'm doing a similar thing. It's it's a little bit different because it's not this, but it's the same idea.

I feel like we're on the same wavelength and the same type of service. So it was very nice for me to also watch you in that capacity, work with people, and and So thank you for giving me that as well."

Esther Novak 


"Before I joined Marketing Magic I had a clear picture of where I wanted to go, but I didn't quite know how to get there. 

Taking Marketing Magic helped anchor my thoughts and turn my 'ideas' into a clear, conscious, and doable path. 

This month, I've almost hit my goal and we're not even halfway through!"

Esther Novak 


"Before I joined Marketing Magic I had a clear picture of where I wanted to go, but I didn't quite know how to get there. 

Taking Marketing Magic helped anchor my thoughts and turn my 'ideas' into a clear, conscious, and doable path. 

This month, I've almost hit my goal and we're not even halfway through!"

Rivky Rogin


"If you're ready to start a business or grow an existing one and feel lost or overwhelmed, working with Estie gives you the framework and methodology to create the growth you seek. 

When you sit and actually do the work, the anxiety is lifted. 

There is a framework to put your thoughts down in an organized, methodical way, that builds on itself, week over week, so that you can always refer back to your initial motivation and vision, but execute on it step by step, so that you can actually create the reality you envision. 

This course gives you the tools and the real-road guide of what to do to get the results you want from yourself and from your business AND the methodology can be applied to almost any area of your life where you want to achieve a certain outcome."

"If you're ready to start a business or grow an existing one and feel lost or overwhelmed, this course gives you the framework and methodology to create the growth you seek. 

When you sit and actually do the work, the anxiety is lifted. 

There is a framework to put your thoughts down in an organized, methodical way, that builds on itself, week over week, so that you can always refer back to your initial motivation and vision, but execute on it step by step, so that you can actually create the reality you envision. 

This course gives you the tools and the real-road guide of what to do to get the results you want from yourself and from your business AND the methodology can be applied to almost any area of your life where you want to achieve a certain outcome."

Rivky Rogin

"I have been working with coaches and consulting businesses for years. I thought, after 30 years of being self employed, and most of that time helping others with their businesses, that I knew a thing or two. 

But Marketing Magic showed me, no matter how well my business had done, I really did not have the basics down. 

Many of the problems I faced were because I did not have the basic structure in place to grow from. Marketing Magic provided the structure and system. 

I wish I had this 30 years ago when I started my first company! 

If I had this in the past, I could have saved thousands of dollars on other "coaches" that were just selling me their systems, or showing me one tenth of what Estie has. 

I now have a plan in place that covers all areas of my business growth through marketing.

I am so inspired to make this the best year I have ever had, with the least stress and at the smallest output of dollars or time I have ever spent!"

- Patrick Smith

Head of Consumer and Business Banking

If you don’t take risks, you’ll work for someone who does.

I'm not suggesting you risk it all or do something crazy for your business.

I absolutely believe you should stay far away from 
whatever causes a sinking feeling in your gut.

But when you feel those nervous, excited butterflies, 
it's a sign to go for it. Trust those feelings.

To make your business soar, some risk is necessary. 

You must be willing to take that leap. 

Because if you can't, you'll forever work for someone who did.

Ambreen Ihsanullah

founder at soul to soul counselling
"Thank you for everything that you've offered and done. I mean, there's a gold mine here, I know that. I was really stuck before I took the program on how to get a system going on lead generation and to be able to stop hustling and really get, you know, clients coming in so I can do my thing.

And what I loved about this program was the model that you've built, Estie, which is the flower model, and also the way you've broken it up, that marketing isn't a thing all by itself. It's part of a whole and in building a small business or a big business, there are steps to take and a paradigm to to follow. So much detail in terms of the program and and what you offered. And just your personal support, I mean, I know that we were part of a special group that got this.

And so I'm very grateful for that. Very grateful for you. Very grateful that you've offered someone like me who's small business and really getting going, a foundation to follow, you know, a map as you put it, to follow. I think that's a huge win for me.

It's given me a lot of confidence because I found you. Just to say really quickly, I found you, on a giveaway I don't know if it was a year ago or six months ago or whatever. And something about you and your honesty and your straightforwardness and the way you spoke, I don't know what I watched, a video or something from you. And I thought, yeah, you kept on coming into my mailbox.

And, and so this is completely lived up to whatever I was hoping for or thought -- you were more than that. Yeah. Just really, it's amazing to find someone who's as personable and one-on-one and has been willing to support people in that way. It means a lot. Thank you so much."

Carlos Lamar

preacher and serial entrepreneur
"This is the whole marketing plan that I keep paying people increments on altogether.

So I don't wanna just read it. I wanna really understand it. And so I got other businesses like clothing lines and different things. And I love it because I've learned something, like, I can come up with great ideas, I can do all of this other stuff, but then the problem becomes, with anything, marketing. That's the number one issue for, I don't care if it's for seven figures, clothing, any company that you do, you're gonna find out that even an entrepreneur, you can be great at that, but you're not gonna understand marketing. 

So often I have to go to Fiverr, and I've had to pay people step by step by step by step, to try to figure out how how do they do this. And what it is, there's people that understand marketing. And you might go through four or five different people trying to get all the different components. 

What I love about this is, is that it has allowed me to look at the whole thing and say, so this is what marketing teams do. And you pay them in increments, and then they send you to somebody else or somebody else just to get this done. 

So, yeah, it's well worth it for me because can use this for any business. I'm taking it."

Rivke Gardner

"I was starting out my own business, which was totally new for me and was very overwhelming. I'd heard about marketing and a little bit about branding, didn't really have a great idea of it. And just sort of put myself out there and started and saw that I was doing a service to the world. I'm a marriage coach that was greatly needed and very, very successful.

But I didn't really know how to grow my business in an organized way. And that's when I saw Estie Rand's marketing challenge, and I realized that in the same way that I try to really help people get to the core of what going on for them in their marriages and in their own inner world, I saw Estie had that same way of getting to the core of things in a business sense. And not just being superficial and throwing things out there, but working things through right from the bottom up.

So I joined Estie's course and really have created a map from from the bottom and really gotten a huge amount of clarity about what my brand is, who my ideal client is, and I'm so excited to go out there and work it now and build my business in a way that I can grow it easily and that I love doing what I do and offer that service to people in the most effective way. This was just amazing for me to watch because also I'm doing a similar thing. It's a little bit different because it's not this, but it's the same idea.

I feel like we're on the same wavelength and the same type of service. So it was very nice for me to also watch you in that capacity, work with people, and and so, thank you for giving me that as well."

Chezky Kasnett

E-commerce Growth Strategist
"Hello. My name is Chezky, and I took a course with Estie. And it was amazing.

First of all, she's very clear, precise, and she promised that I would be making ten thousand dollars within a year.

And I said, you know what? I'll try it.

Six months into it right now...I am.

I signed my first client, and I actually quit my job, and I have another client on the way. And I really think it's gonna work, and I could double my salary, my contract.

And it's real. It's real.

She's amazing. She'll give you direction. She's clear, precise.
And she has a tremendous sense of business and marketing. And she's a great coach, great person, and I highly recommend her. Really do."

If you don’t take risks, you’ll work for someone who does.

I'm not suggesting you risk it all or do something crazy for your business.

I absolutely believe you should stay far away from  whatever causes a sinking feeling in your gut.

But when you feel those nervous, excited butterflies, it's a sign to go for it. Trust those feelings.

To make your business soar, some risk is necessary. 

You must be willing to take that leap. 

Because if you can't, you'll forever work for someone who did.

Ambreen Ihsanullah

founder at soul to soul counselling
"Thank you for everything that you've offered and done. I mean, there's a gold mine here, I know that. I was really stuck before I took the program on how to get a system going on lead generation and to be able to stop hustling and really get, you know, clients coming in so I can do my thing.

And what I loved about this program was the model that you've built, Estie, which is the flower model, and also the way you've broken it up, that marketing isn't a thing all by itself. It's part of a whole and in building a small business or a big business, there are steps to take and a paradigm to to follow. So much detail in terms of the program and and what you offered. And just your personal support, I mean, I know that we were part of a special group that got this.

And so I'm very grateful for that. Very grateful for you. Very grateful that you've offered someone like me who's small business and really getting going, a foundation to follow, you know, a map as you put it, to follow. I think that's a huge win for me.

Giving me a lot of confidence because I found you. Just to say really quickly, I found you, on a giveaway I don't know if it was a year ago or six months ago or whatever. And something about you and your honesty and your straightforwardness and the way you spoke, I don't know what I watched, a video or something from you. And I thought, yeah, you kept on coming into my mailbox.

And, and so this is completely lived up to whatever I hoping for or thought you were more than that. Yeah. Like, just really it's amazing to find someone who's as personable and one on one and willing to has been willing to support people in that way. It's it's it means a lot. Thank you so much."

Carlos Lamar

preacher & serial entrepreneur
"This is the whole marketing plan that I keep paying people increments on altogether.

So I don't wanna just read it. I wanna really understand it. And so I got other businesses like clothing lines and different things. And I love it because I've learned something, like, I can come up with great ideas, I can do all of this other stuff, but then the problem becomes, with anything, marketing. That's the number one issue for, I don't care if it's for seven figures, clothing, any company that you do, you're gonna find out that even an entrepreneur, you can be great at that, but you're not gonna understand marketing. So often I have to go to Fiverr, and I've had to pay people step by step by step by step, to try to figure out how how do they do this. And what it is, there's people that understand marketing. And you might go through four or five different people trying to get all the different components. What I love about this is, is that it has allowed me to look at the whole thing and say, so this is what marketing teams do. And you pay them in increments, and then they send you to somebody else or somebody else just to get this done. So, yeah, it's well worth it for me because can use this for any business. I'm taking it."

Chani Wolf

ceo, pashmina collection
"Hi. I'm Chani from Pashmina.

I just wanna say I love working with Estie. Literally, every time I speak to her, my sales increase by, like, fifty percent from her amazing ideas. She's the best."

Chezky Kasnett

e-commerce growth strategist
"Hello. My name is Chezky, and I took a course with Estie. And it was amazing.

First of all, she's very clear, precise, and she promised that I would be making ten thousand dollars within a year.

And I said, you know what? I'll try it.

Six months into it right now...I am.

I signed my first client, and I actually quit my job, and I have another client on the way. And I really think it's gonna work, and I could double my salary, my contract.

And it's real. it's real.

She's amazing. She'll give you direction. She's clear, precise.

And she has a tremendous sense of business and marketing. And she's a great coach, great person, and I highly recommend her. Really do."

Norma Saff

Registered Dietitian 
& Certified LEAP Therapist

"This course has lifted a weight off my shoulders. I have been struggling with my private practice for years, going at it without a clear direction and goal, and not knowing how to effectively get it off the ground to become something substantially profitable. 

Just thinking about it was overwhelming. I may have lots of information and help to offer people, but without a good marketing design, I was unable to attract those clients.

Estie’s course was exactly what I needed to get a handle of the marketing aspect of my business! She is extremely personable and provided so much support and information to simplify the process, and make me see that this is something that I can do. Each part of the course was organized and filled plenty of information.

Worth every penny! Thank you Estie!"

Renee Moten

Personal Trainer 
& Massage Therapist 

"My business had to be taken online because of the virus. I paid for a website, logo, started Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram pages thinking this was the way to get started. I received no hits on any of my platforms. 

I found out after taking the 8 week Marketing Magic Course that those items were not needed in the beginning of building a marketing platform. 

I learned that I needed to build a strong foundation that consists of my vision, mission and pitch. 

I was able to learn what avenue was best to market my program and now my Facebook page is feeding people into my workshops and I am making money and building a client base. 

Advertising my business seems to be a lot easier with the knowledge I've learned from Marketing Magic."

Norma Saff

Registered Dietitian 
& Certified LEAP Therapist

"This course has lifted a weight off my shoulders. 

I have been struggling with my private practice for years, going at it without a clear direction and goal, and not knowing how to effectively get it off the ground to become something substantially profitable. 

Just thinking about it was overwhelming. I may have lots of information and help to offer people, but without a good marketing design, I was unable to attract those clients.

Estie’s course was exactly what I needed to get a handle of the marketing aspect of my business! She is extremely personable and provided so much support and information to simplify the process, and make me see that this is something that I can do. Each part of the course was organized and filled plenty of information.

Worth every penny! Thank you Estie!"

"My business had to be taken online because of the virus. I paid for a website, logo, started Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram pages thinking this was the way to get started. I received no hits on any of my platforms. 

I found out after taking the 8 week Marketing Magic Course that those items were not needed in the beginning of building a marketing platform. 

I learned that I needed to build a strong foundation that consists of my vision, mission and pitch. 

I was able to learn what avenue was best to market my program and now my Facebook page is feeding people into my workshops and I am making money and building a client base. 

Advertising my business seems to be a lot easier with the knowledge I've learned from Marketing Magic."

Renee Moten

Personal Trainer and Massage Therapist 
"Marketing has been a weak area [of my company] and while sales ranged from good to great, there's been a lack of consistency and steady growth. 

Marketing Magic has opened my eyes to developing a structure and organizing an effective marketing program. Many marketing elements unknown to me were introduced. There was homework and additional coaching which supplemented course instruction to provide a dynamic spectrum in my efforts to learn productive and effective marketing. 

Having experienced the course that has given me a solid foundation in marketing concepts, I can now confidently expand my business using the knowledge acquired. 

I feel energized, excited, and confident looking forward since I now have gained the knowledge needed to get my company on the right track."

Mike Moroff

& Wholesale Distribution

Write your own testimonial

Life’s too short to learn from your own mistakes - learn faster 
and succeed faster by learning from others!


There are two ways for you to receive education & 
personalized guidance for your Small Business Success:

At Strand Consulting, we guide both new and existing business owners to launch, grow and scale their business to their first million in new revenue. 

We work with you and for you, in every area of your business, to ensure you build a business that aligns with your goals in income, lifestyle and contribution. Together, we devise and implement the business and marketing strategy that turn your business dreams into business realities.

Marketing Magic Academy is an online business incubator for entrepreneurs and small business owners who are ready to turn their marketing into an incredible ATM machine where every $1 spent pays them back $20+!

In the Marketing Magic Academy you have the opportunity to get one-on-one guidance to build your CUSTOM marketing strategy, that works on your terms and your budget, AND we also IMPLEMENT your learning together and apply it in your business in real time- for REAL RESULTS!

Not sure which is right for you?

Get the clarity and strategy to market yourself and your business successfully!

Take Estie’s 3 Day Marketing Success Challenge


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925 N La Brea Ave Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90038

Write your own testimonial

Life’s too short to learn from your own mistakes - learn faster and succeed faster by learning from others!


There are two ways for you to receive education & personalized guidance for your Small Business Success:

At Strand Consulting, we guide both new and existing business owners to launch, grow and scale their business to their first million in new revenue. 

We work with you and for you, in every area of your business, to ensure you build a business that aligns with your goals in income, lifestyle and contribution. Together, we devise and implement the business and marketing strategy that turn your business dreams into business realities.

Marketing Magic Academy is an online business incubator for entrepreneurs and small business owners who are ready to turn their marketing into an incredible ATM machine where every $1 spent pays them back $20+!

In the Marketing Magic Academy you have the opportunity to get one-on-one guidance to build your CUSTOM marketing strategy, that works on your terms and your budget, AND we also IMPLEMENT your learning together and apply it in your business in real time- for REAL RESULTS!

Not sure which is right for you?

Get the clarity and strategy to market yourself and your business successfully!

Take Estie’s 3 Day 
Marketing Success Challenge


925 N La Brea Ave Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90038