Marketing Machine

Guidance, Education & Inspiration for Small Business Success.


Marketing Machine


Get the clarity and strategy to market yourself and your business successfully!

Take Estie’s 3 Day Marketing Success Challenge

Get the clarity and strategy to market yourself and your business successfully!

Take Estie’s 3 Day 
Marketing Success Challenge

You know you’ve 
got something

You know that with the right marketing and business guidance, that something can become a REAL successful business.

And wouldn’t it be amazing if that something could earn could earn you $100K a year? or maybe $100K per month? How about daily!?!?

But how do you take that thing that you’re good at, and turn it into a real, stable, profitable, functional, and professional business that earns actual PROFITS?

Is it the marketing? The messaging? Maybe a stellar website, some sparkly social media or just the right influencer will be your big break?

What if I told you that it was much simpler than that.

What if there are just 12 things that every profitable and successful business does right, and when you do them right too, you can turn any skill, talent, hobby, certification or idea you have into money in your pocket?

With over 15 years of experience guiding thousands of small businesses owners in building their business dreams, I’m here to tell you, you need to create your CUSTOM PATH to success.

Because while there are just 12 things you need to do right, how you do those 12 things in your business will 
be unique to you.

If you’ve tried canned or money-see-monkey-do strategies before and failed, or if you’re just getting started and want to build your business right from the foundation, then you’ve come to 
the right place.

Let's get started.

You know you’ve got something

You know that with the right marketing and business guidance, that something can become a REAL successful business.

And wouldn’t it be amazing if that something could earn you $100K a year? 
or maybe $100K per month? How about daily!?!?

But how do you take that thing that you’re good at, and turn it into a real, stable, profitable, functional, and professional business that earns reliable PROFITS?

Is it the marketing? The messaging? Maybe a stellar website, some sparkly social media or just the right influencer will be your big break?

What if I told you that it was much simpler than that.

What if there is a proven 12 Step Process that can turn any idea into money in your pocket? 

What if these 12 elements are the reverse engineering of what every profitable and successful business does right, and when you do them right too, you can turn any skill, talent, hobby, certification or idea you have into a real business?

With over 15 years of experience guiding thousands of small businesses owners to business & marketing success, I’m here to tell you, you need to create your own CUSTOM PATH to success.

Because while there are just 12 things you need to do right, how you do those 12 things in your business will be unique to you.

If you’ve tried canned or monkey-see-monkey-do strategies before and failed, or if you’re just getting started and want to build your business right from the foundation,
then you’ve come to the right place.

Let's get started.

Hi, I'm Estie.


Hi, I’m Estie Starr.

In the past 15 years I’ve spent over 12,500 hours guiding small businesses owners just like you to live their business dream.

I built my own business to over 7-figures profit with $0 in ad spend. 
And, I‘ve helped hundreds of other talented individuals do the same.

My dedication has been, and continues to be, how you can take the shortest and most cost effective path to grow any talent, hobby, certification, skill or idea into a stable and profitable business. 

So that you get to do what you love, earn buckets of money, and have time for your life and family

Because here’s something most people won’t tell you…  Business success is something you CAN LEARN. 

To become a successful business owner is not something you need to be born with. It’s a skill you can learn just like any other. 
And there is no one path to success.

Of the HUNDREDS of business plans and marketing strategies I’ve created over the past 15 years, no two have been the same.

But the 12 elements that underlie every successful marketing strategy are the same. 

Ever wonder why some people just seem to have the midas touch in business where everything they do turns to gold? 

It’s because they apply the foundational business principles to everything they do.

And so can you.

There’s a better way than throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks.

When you’re ready to build a real business doing what you love, let’s chat.

-Estie Starr



In the past 15 years I’ve spent over 12,500 hours guiding small businesses owners just like you to live their business dream.

I built my own business to 7-figures profit with $0 in ad spend. 

And I‘ve helped hundreds of other talented individuals do the same.

My dedication has been, and continues to be, how you can take the shortest and most cost effective path to grow any talent, hobby, certification, skill or idea into a stable and profitable business. 

So that you get to do what you love, earn buckets of money, and have time for your life and family.

Because here’s something most people won’t tell you…

Business success is something 

To become a successful business owner is not something you need to be born with. It’s a skill you can learn just like any other. 

And there is no one path to success.

Of the HUNDREDS of business plans and marketing strategies I’ve created over the past 15 years, no two have been the same.

But the 12 elements that underlie every successful marketing strategy are the same. 

Ever wonder why some people just seem to have the midas touch in business where everything they do turns to gold? 

It’s because they apply the foundational business principles to everything they do.

And so can you.

So if you’re ready to stop throwing spaghetti and the wall and hope it sticks, and instead build a real business doing what you love, let’s chat.

-Estie Starr

Success Stories

- Leland Holgate

Combat Veteran, Founder of The Willful Warrior 

"Let me just tell you that before Estie came on board, it was literally a dumpster fire traveling down the river. Within the first three months of starting my business, I had made all the mistakes that pretty much all of us as business owners make.

Within the last three months of our business, we're seeing a regular twenty thousand plus coming in from the course that we have created. And we had one of our best months at just a little over thirty thousand just three months ago. 

So we're really excited to continue with Estie. There's no way that we're gonna stop working with her. She's stuck with us, and we're happy to have her. Because the biggest aspect of it for me was that she got me to focus on the important pieces of the business."

"I didn't really know how to grow my business in an organized way. And that's when I saw Estie's marketing challenge, and I realized that in the same way that I try to really help people get to the core of what going on for them in their marriages and in their own inner world, Estie had that same way of getting to the core of things in a business. And not just being superficial and throwing things out there, but working things through right from the bottom up.

Since joining Estie's course, I have created a map from from the bottom and really gotten a huge amount of clarity about what my brand is, who my ideal client is, and I'm so excited to go out there and work it now and build my business in a way that I can grow it easily, that I love doing what I do and offer that service the people in the most effective way. "

- Rivke Gardeer 

Marriage Mastery Coach

- Ambreen Ihsanullah

Founder at Soul to Soul Counselling

"It's amazing to find someone who's as personable and one-on-one and willing to support people in that way. It means a lot."

Thank you for everything that you've offered and done. I mean, there's a gold mine here, I know that. I was really stuck before I took the program on how to get a system going on lead generation and to be able to stop hustling and really clients coming in so I can do my thing.

This has completely lived up to whatever I hoping for or thought you were more than that. It's amazing to find someone who's as personable and one-on-one and willing to support people in that way. It means a lot. Thank you so much."

"You couldn't get a better value for your money and the information and expertise that they provide throughout the courses is absolutely wonderful. 

I couldn't recommend her any more highly, Estie and her team are fabulous. So sign up for her classes today."

- Adam Knihtila

Financial Consultant

Success Stories

"Let me just tell you that before Estie came on board, it was literally a dumpster fire traveling down the river. Within the first three months of starting my business, I had made all the mistakes that pretty much all of us as business owners make.

Within the last three months of our business, we're seeing a regular twenty thousand plus coming in from the course that we have created. And we had one of our best months at just a little over thirty thousand just three months ago. 

So we're really excited to continue with Estie. There's no way that we're gonna stop working with her. She's stuck with us, and we're happy to have her. Because the biggest aspect of it for me was that she got me to focus on the important pieces of the business."

- Leland Holgate

Combat Veteran, 
Founder of The Willful Warrior 
"I didn't really know how to grow my business in an organized way. And that's when I saw Estie's marketing challenge, and I realized that in the same way that I try to really help people get to the core of what going on for them in their marriages and in their own inner world, Estie had that same way of getting to the core of things in a business. And not just being superficial and throwing things out there, but working things through right from the bottom up.

Since joining Estie's course, I have created a map from from the bottom and really gotten a huge amount of clarity about what my brand is, who my ideal client is, and I'm so excited to go out there and work it now and build my business in a way that I can grow it easily, that I love doing what I do and offer that service the people in the most effective way. "

- Rivke Gardner

Marriage Mastery Coach
"You couldn't get a better value for your money and the information and expertise that they provide throughout the courses is absolutely wonderful. I couldn't recommend her any more highly, Estie and her team are fabulous. So sign up for their classes today."

- Adam Knihtila

Financial Consultant

"It's amazing to find someone who's as personable and one-on-one and willing to support people in that way. It means a lot.

Thank you for everything that you've offered and done. I mean, there's a gold mine here, I know that. I was really stuck before I took the program on how to get a system going on lead generation and to be able to stop hustling and really clients coming in so I can do my thing.

This has completely lived up to whatever I hoping for or thought you were more than that. It's amazing to find someone who's as personable and one-on-one and willing to support people in that way. It means a lot. Thank you so much."

- Ambreen Ihsanullah

Founder at Soul to Soul Counselling

Are you ready to…

  • Do what you love, EARN BUCKETS OF MONEY and have the time-freedom for yourself and the ones you love?
  • ​Turn any skill, talent, hobby or idea you had into a MONEY MAKING MACHINE?
  • ​Work less, and earn more by leveraging your zone of genius and AUTOMATED MARKETING SYSTEMS?
  • ​Take a RELIABLE SALARY from your business that more than covers all your expenses?
  • ​Never waste money on marketing again and have the ability to turn your MARKETING FAUCET on and off at will?
  • Do what you love, EARN BUCKETS OF MONEY and have time for yourself and the ones you love?
  • ​Turn any skill, talent, hobby or idea you had into a MONEY MAKING MACHINE?
  • ​Work less, and earn more by leveraging your zone of genius and AUTOMATED MARKETING SYSTEMS?
  • ​Take a RELIABLE SALARY from your business that more than covers all your expenses?
  • ​Never waste money on marketing again and have the ability to turn your MARKETING FAUCET on and off at will?


There are two ways for you to receive education & personalized guidance for your Small Business Success:

At Strand Consulting, we guide both new and existing business owners to launch, grow and scale their business to their first million in new revenue. 

We work with you and for you, in every area of your business, to ensure you build a business that aligns with your goals in income, lifestyle and contribution. Together, we devise and implement the business and marketing strategy that turn your business dreams into business realities.

Better Business School is an online business incubator for entrepreneurs and small business owners who need the education, inspiration and guidance to turn their business dreams into business realities and get to $20K+ Months!

In the Better Business School you have the opportunity to get both the education your need, as well as one-on-one guidance to build your CUSTOM business and marketing strategy, AND IMPLEMENT your learning as we apply it in your business in real time- for REAL RESULTS!

Not sure which is right for you?

Are you ready to…

  • Do what you love, EARN BUCKETS OF MONEY and have the time-freedom for yourself and the ones you love?
  • ​Turn any skill, talent, hobby or idea you had into a MONEY MAKING MACHINE?
  • ​Work less, and earn more by leveraging your zone of genius and AUTOMATED MARKETING SYSTEMS?
  • ​Take a RELIABLE SALARY from your business that more than covers all your expenses?
  • ​Never waste money on marketing again and have the ability to turn your MARKETING FAUCET on and off at will?
  • Do what you love, EARN BUCKETS OF MONEY and have time for yourself and family?
  • ​Turn any skill, talent, hobby or idea you have into a PROFFESIONAL AND PROFITABLE BUSINESS?
  • ​Work less, and earn more by leveraging your zone of genius and RELIABLE MARKETING SYSTEMS?
  • ​Take a STEADY SALARY from your business that more than covers all your expenses?
  • ​Never waste money on marketing again and have the ability to turn your MARKETING FAUCET on and off at will?


There are two ways for you to receive education & personalized guidance from Estie for your Small Business Success:

At Strand Consulting, we guide both new and existing business owners to launch, grow and scale their business to their first million in new revenue. 

We work with you and for you, in every area of your business, to ensure you build a business that aligns with your goals in income, lifestyle and contribution. Together, we devise and implement the business and marketing strategy that turn your business dreams into business realities.

Better Business School is an online business incubator for entrepreneurs and small business owners who need the education, inspiration and guidance to turn their business dreams into business realities and get to $20K+ Months!

In the Better Business School you have the opportunity to get both the education your need, as well as one-on-one guidance to build your CUSTOM business and marketing strategy, AND IMPLEMENT your learning as we apply it in your business in real time- for REAL RESULTS!

Not sure which is right for you?

Business is something you can learn.

Learn the business system frameworks that underly  every single successful business, so you can have results like...

Frank Piuck

Website Rehab Architect

"Working with Estie showed me, no matter how well my business had done, I really did not have the basics down. Many of the problems I faced were because I did not have the basic structure in place to grow from. 

I wish I had this 30 years ago when I started my first company! I now have a plan in place that covers all areas of my business growth through marketing. If I had this in the past, I could have saved thousands of dollars on other "coaches" that were just selling me their systems, or showing me one tenth of what Estie has. 

I am so inspired to make this year the best year I have ever had, with the least stress and at the smallest out put of dollars or time I have ever spent!"

Charity Reiter

Managing Partner

"Prior to working with Estie, I was clueless and lost on what to do to help our telemedicine practice. Marketing Magic provided an abundance of clarity!!! Estie is a genius when it comes to knowing exactly what to do, to bring you success without wasting ANY money. 

I went from knowing nothing to feeling like I received a full degree in marketing in JUST 8 weeks. 

Whether you are just starting out, or trying to scale, Esite will get you through every step of the way. Thank God for this course!"

Evi Xyrafa

Founder of Believe in You

"Working with Estie has helped me gain three specific results: 

1 - I have clarity: I now know exactly what is right and what is wrong for my business and why, and this gives me peace of mind. 

2 - I have a strategy that I can follow, that is the right one for my business. Not "one size fits all" that others promote, which is definetely not true. 

3 - And last and most important, I have confidence. I believe in my myself and my abilities now to run the business in a way that will lead me to success. 

The level of success that is aligned to my vision. Thank you so much Estie for giving this course to the world!"

Business is something you can learn.

Learn the business system frameworks that underly  every single successful business, so you can have results like...

Create Your 
Own Salary



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925 N La Brea Ave Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90038



925 N La Brea Ave Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90038